If you were asked the question what are chakras? Would you know how to answer it, and what it all means? In this blog, I will explain what a chakra is, what it does and how balancing your chakras can enhance your life.

There are 7 chakras in total, and each chakra is connected to a different part of the body. As you may already be aware, we are made up of energy, and the energy that we put out into the universe can determine how our life is shaped.

For instance the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, so if you are continually putting out positive energy, you will receive positive outcomes back. This also works for negative energy too. So if we are all energy, vibrations and frequencies, think of a chakra as an energy centre that when balanced allows your mind, body and spirit to work in harmony.

Each chakra is connected to a specific place in the body and is associated with a particular colour. The concept of chakras is said to have originated between 1500 and 500BC. So the practice of balancing the chakra has been around for some time.

As mentioned before, there are 7 chakras. The first one can be found at the base of your spine and the last one on the top of your head. Each chakra has its own purpose and function to ensure the well-being of your body. If a chakra is affected by negativity or it is not aligned or balanced it can have an affect on your body, mind and spiritual health.

At the base of your spine is the Root Chakra (also known as Muladhara) and associated with the colour red.

Muladhara can be translated to mean ā€œsupportā€ and ā€œrootā€. So think of this chakra as being connected to your physical body and energy. Think of roots from a tree and how they anchor into the ground. This chakra grounds you. It is connected to survival ā€“ eating, breathing, sleeping, and security.

When this chakra is balanced you will feel safe knowing that your needs are being met, and a deep sense of peace. If your body ever needs healing ā€“ this is the chakra to start with.

A couple of inches below your belly button, near your pelvic area is the Sacral Chakra (also known as Svadhisthana), and is associated with the colour orange. Svadhisthana means ā€œthe place of the selfā€. So, this chakra is connected to your creative identity and how you enjoy life on Earth. This energy is what motivates you to indulge in activities like art, eating good food and even sex. When this chakra is aligned and balanced you enjoy the finer things in life and indulge in them without overdoing them.

Around your stomach area approximately 2-3 inches above the belly button is the Solar Plexus Chakra (also known as Manipura), and is typically associated with the colour Yellow.

Manipura can be translated to mean ā€œlustrous gemā€. This is where your self-confidence and personal power lives. Some people have referred to this chakra as the Warrior Chakra because it is a powerful chakra for boundary setting and bravery.

If you ever find yourself getting angry, the raging energy that you feel comes from this chakra. If it is balanced however, you will experience high self-worth and high self-esteem.

Around the heart area, you will find the Heart Chakra (also known as Anahata), which is associated with the colour Green. If you translate Anahata it means being ā€œunhurtā€. You connect to this energy centre when you feel love, kindness and compassion. It is all about love. Love heals everything, love conquers fear, love is unconditional. So when this chakra is balanced, you can easily feel love and show empathy to others and yourself.

In the middle of your throat lies the Throat Chakra (also known as Vishuddha), which is associated with the colour Sky Blue. This chakra allows you to find your voice and speak up. If this chakra is balanced you will be able to communicate with confidence, and in an authentic manner. You speak the truth. It enables you to express yourself in a way that feels aligned, and is in tune with your beliefs, values and preferences.

In the middle of your eyebrows and extending to the Pineal Gland is the Third Eye Chakra (also known as Ajna) which is associated with the colour Indigo. When translated, Ajna means ā€œbeyond wisdomā€.

This is the chakra that fascinates me the most, because it is connected to the Pineal Gland. This gland is like a grain of rice tucked away in the middle of the brain. When the Pineal Gland is activated it activates your ability to tune into different frequencies, which can help massively when manifesting ā€“ a topic we will go into more depth in later!

So the Third Eye Chakra allows you to open up different levels of consciousness which go beyond the senses we know. This is where your intuition and psychic abilities are created, and is believed to be connected to the ā€œDivineā€.

When this chakra is balanced, you will feel in tune with your body and the spiritual world, and you will find it much easier to connect with your ā€œHigher-selfā€(aka your soul).

Last but not least, the Crown Chakra (also known as Sahasrara) which is associated with the colour Violet or White. This is located at the top of your head. When translated, Sahasrara means ā€œa thousand petalsā€.

This chakra is all about pure consciousness and being connected to the universe. When truly connected, there is no association with your body or your mind, you are quite literally just being. This is a tough one to get your head around as it is so hard to imagine not being connected to your body or mind. When you fully understand energy and how we are energy, and that everything that is, was and will be exist all at once, you learn to detach yourself from time and reality.
If you close your eyes and imagine you are in space, and space is all around you. There is no sound, no light, you have no body, no mind, you are just energy. When you can get to this point you can start to change your existence. You become aligned with the universe, you are truly balance and enlightened.

So now you know what the 7 chakras are, where they are located and what they try to balance, you need to know that these chakras are not always balanced or in sync. Sometimes, life takes over and you experience situations that cause stress and chaos. These experiences and stress can cause the chakras to become blocked that can impact how you feel physically and mentally.

Beyond Cleansing Powers

In the realm of spiritual practices and natural remedies, white sage stands as a revered herb known for more than its ability to cleanse negative energies. While smudging with white sageĀ  celebrated for purifying spaces and souls, it also holds profound benefits for mental health. In this blog, we’ll delve into the remarkable world of white sage, exploring its cleansing powers and its impact on mental well-being.

White sage (Salvia apiana) has used for centuries. By indigenous cultures for its spiritual and medicinal properties. Native to the southwestern United States and Mexico, this aromatic herbĀ  characterized by its silvery-white leaves and an earthy, grounding scent. Beyond its ceremonial uses, white sage offers a wealth of mental health benefits. that have garnered the attention of modern spiritual seekers.

- The Art of Smudging

Smudging, the practice of burning white sage,Ā  a ritual deeply rooted in Native American traditions and spirituality. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Gather Your Tools: To start, you’ll need a bundle of dried white sage or loose leaves and a heatproof container. like an abalone shell or smudge bowl.

  2. Ignite the Sage: Using a match or lighter, light one end of the sage bundle until it smolders. Allow the flame to extinguish, leaving a steady stream of fragrant smoke.

  3. Cleansing Ritual: Walk through the space you wish to purify, moving the smoldering sage bundle in a clockwise direction. While doing so, visualise the smoke clearing away negative energies and promoting peace and positivity.

Smudging with white sage has a rich and ancient history deeply rooted. in the spiritual practices of Indigenous peoples in North America. White sage, scientifically known as Salvia apiana, has revered for its. cleansing and purifying properties for centuries. Native American tribes, particularly those in the southwestern United States, such as the Chumash, Cahuilla, and Navajo, have traditionally used white sage in various ceremonies and rituals to purify the body, mind, and spirit.

These rituals often involve the burning of dried white sage leaves, bundled together into a smudge stick, while the smoke wafted around a person or space using a feather or hand. The practice is believed to remove negative energy, cleanse the environment, and promote healing and balance. In recent years, the practice of smudging with white sage has gained popularity beyond Indigenous communities, finding its place in mainstream wellness and spirituality, although it is essential to approach this. practice with cultural sensitivity and respect for its origins.

- Mental Health Benefits of White Sage

  1. Stress Reduction: The calming aroma of white sage has a soothing effect on the mind. Smudging. can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, providing a sense of calm and relaxation.

  2. Emotional Healing: Smudging with white sage a powerful tool for emotional release. It can help individuals let go of pent-up emotions, past traumas, and negative thought patterns, fostering emotional healing and resilience.

  3. Clarity and Focus: The purifying properties of white sage not limited to physical spaces. Smudging can also clear mental clutter, enhancing clarity and focus. This can particularly beneficial for those seeking greater concentration during meditation or creative endeavors.

  4. Elevated Mood: The fragrance of white sage has known to uplift the spirit, elevating mood and promoting a sense of well-being. This makes it a valuable tool for combating feelings of sadness or depression.

  5. Improved Sleep: Using white sage before bedtime can create a serene atmosphere that promotes restful sleep. By clearing the space of negative energies, it can help you achieve a deeper and more rejuvenating sleep.

White sage, with its rich history and multifaceted benefits, much more than a tool for spiritual cleansing. It has the power to positively impact mental health, offering relief from stress, emotional turmoil, and mental clutter. Whether you’re seeking serenity, emotional healing, or greater mental clarity, white sage can be a valuable ally on your spiritual and mental well-being journey. Embrace this ancient practice with reverence, and let the mystical white sage guide you toward a balanced and harmonious existence.

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