Have you ever paused to reflect on life, questioning its deeper meaning and the reasons behind certain events? If so, you might find yourself on a spiritual pathā€”a journey of self-discovery and heightened awareness. Allow me to share my personal revelation on the profound impact of such a path.

Years ago, I entered the realm of spirituality when I dated a Psychic-Medium. Before that, the concept of a spiritual path was foreign to me. Now, my perspectives have evolved significantly, and I can’t recall what my life was like before this awakening. It’s as if, before meeting him, people were wandering through life like the Walking Deadā€”not zombies, but individuals with closed eyes, oblivious to what lay right in front of them.

Years ago, I entered the realm of spirituality when I dated a Psychic-Medium. Before that, the concept of a spiritual path was foreign to me. Now, my perspectives have evolved significantly, and I can’t recall what my life was like before this awakening. It’s as if, before meeting him, people were wandering through life like the Walking Deadā€”not zombies, but individuals with closed eyes, oblivious to what lay right in front of them.

One principle I firmly adhere to is the avoidance of imposing my beliefs on others. While I enthusiastically discuss my beliefs and delve into various tangents sparked by my fascination with the unknown, I recognise that the pursuit of a spiritual path must arise from within. So, how did this transformative journey unfold?

Initially, it began with numerous readings from the Psychic-Medium, exploring the unfolding events in my life. The desire to know more became an insatiable cravingā€”a longing to unveil what awaited just around the corner. This marked the inception of a profound shift in my perspective. As the revelations in the readings started manifesting in reality, my belief and thirst for knowledge intensified.

During this period, the Psychic-Medium was honing his ability to enter trance states. In this deep meditative state, his spirit guide would come forth, using him as a vessel for communication. Witnessing this phenomenon was absolutely fascinating, and I felt privileged to experience it multiple times. Observing other mediums, including one where a female medium channeled a male guide, highlighted the mystique of these encounters.

I diligently transcribed the words from readings and trance sessionsā€”capturing the guidance, wisdom, and messages. Experiencing this phenomenon was transformative; it altered my perception of the world irreversibly. As my views and beliefs evolved, those around me also underwent changes. It felt as though I was vibrating on a higher levelā€”not in a superior sense, but rather, seeing the world and its events from an elevated perspective. Life’s occurrences started to reveal a purpose, falling into place as foretold in the readings.

The profound shift in my behavior and opinions led to misconceptions within my family; some even thought I had joined a cult. The inability of those around me to comprehend this spiritual awakening created a disconnect. Unable to see things from a lower vibrational level, I found myself wanting to learn more, grow, and expand my understanding.

Over time, certain relationships with friends and family naturally faded away. It wasn’t marked by arguments but rather a gradual progression. I no longer connected with these individuals. The lack of shared values or beliefs meant I couldn’t relate to their way of thinking.

Simultaneously, I noticed new people entering my lifeā€”individuals with aligned values and beliefs. This influx of like-minded connections facilitated further growth along my spiritual journey.

Visualize yourself approaching a crossroads. Going backward meant retracing steps and returning to the life I knew. Stepping to the side was like a lateral move, exploring different facets of learning while staying at the current level. Forward meant venturing into the unknown, embracing new routes and experiences in the journey.

I chose to move forward, recognizing that everything in life happens for a reason. I encountered individuals who served as teachers, offering new perspectives and knowledge. The spiritual path was leading me beyond myself, enabling encounters that propelled personal development.

As people and experiences flowed in and out of my life, I understood that each interaction held a crucial lesson. Lessons often revealed themselves after the experienceā€”like the profound realization that a challenging relationship served to teach about love and respect. The appreciation that followed when the right person entered my life and brought unconditional love was transformative. These experiences offered insights into emotions, from anger to love, bitterness to forgiveness.

Life, I realized, is a journey with predefined paths meant for us to traverse. Good and bad experiences are lessons waiting to be learned. Believing in the presence of guides and angels nudging us in the right direction, I found solace in the understanding that life is eternal, and there exists a continuation beyond physical existence.

Spirituality, I’ve come to understand, cannot be confined to a single path or belief system. It encompasses diverse ways to connect with the spiritual realm, each individual finding what resonates best for them.

I vividly recall explaining the passing of my grandmother to my son. I likened her to a foot in a shoeā€”the physical body as the shoe, wearing down over time. Her soul, the foot in the shoe, experienced life’s journey. When she passed, it was akin to taking off the shoes, and she could choose to reflect on her life in the afterlife or embark on a new experience.

Grieving and appreciating her life became easier through this analogy. Her presence, though initially intense, has gradually lessened over time. My memories of her endure, and coming to terms with her loss has been a more manageable process.

When envisioning someone spiritual, meditation often comes to mind. While meditation is a vital avenue for some, connecting with people, experiencing wonder, compassion, empathy, and finding purpose are equally valid expressions of spirituality. It’s a diverse journey, with individuals choosing various paths to experience spiritual growth.

My relationship with the Psychic-Medium lasted no more than two years. However, the lessons learned from that experience paved the way for a nine-year-long relationship that delved into love, tolerance, family, and connections. My spiritual journey continues, with an enhanced understanding of the Universe, communication with Spirit, and the art of manifestationā€”topics I look forward to sharing on The Curvatures Boutique Community Page.

Take what resonates with you from this narrative. Embrace an open mind to the myriad possibilities that the world offers. The next time you encounter someone new, consider if they are a teacher or a student in your life. Whether an experience is positive or challenging, seek to glean the lessons it imparts.

Life is a canvas awaiting your unique brushstrokes; go forth and live it!