Are you showing signs of a blocked chakra? Do you sometimes feel off your game physically and mentally? Believe it or not, this could be an indication that the energy that flows through you is being blocked somehow.

In the previous blog I wrote about the 7 chakras, the areas of the body they are connected with and colour they are associated to. You would have read that a chakra is an energy centre. Each chakra has its own unique traits. When a chakra is balanced, it has a positive influence over your mind and body.

However, if you have a blocked chakra, you can expect to feel something wrong physically and/of mentally. Balancing your chakras can be a holistic way to improve your well-being and health and ensure that energy flows. I am not medically trained and am not saying medicines are not beneficial. But what I am saying is when you are reading this, have an open mind. Read this blog to learn some of the health implications that a blocked chakra can cause, and think about the little things you can introduce to your life to help align your chakras.Ā 

So lets begin.

Root ChakraSigns of a blocked chakra

The root chakra is what connects you with the physical world, Imagine being outside bare foot, and you can feel the moist ground under your feet. Now imagine roots growing out from your feet, plunging into the ground, just like a tree spreading it’s roots. This is like the root chakra, it grounds you, gives you your survival instincts.Ā 

So when your root chakra is balanced, you feel connected to the Earth, secure and safe, strong and trusting. Therefore when the root chakra is out of balance, you would feel the opposite, angry, insecure, worried about basic needs, annoyed, irritated, worried about where your food is coming from or keeping a roof over your head, stuck, unstable, restless and even lazy.Ā 

This can all impact how you feel physically as well as psychologically. So when your root chakra is blocked, you may feel:

– Psychologically – insecure, abandoned, indecisive, lonely, unconfident, ungrounded, depressed and anxious, suffer with addictions, experience phobias or obsessions

– Physically – lower back pain or sciatica, issues with your hips, legs, knees,calves, ankles and feet, constipation, diarrhoea, water retention, impotence, anal issues.

In order to unblock the root chakra, look for ways to connect back to the earth. For instance, take a walk in the woods, try it even bare foot! Run in your local park, dance, or try yoga. Physical activities can really help.

Also with the root chakra being associated with the colour red, there are a couple of things you could do with the colour. For instance, you could visualise a red glow at the bottom of your back, spreading down your legs and feet. This will also help to ground you.

Or you could introduce red food into your meals, such as strawberries, apples, tomatoes and eat foods that compliment the chakra.

Sacral Chakrasigns of a blocked chakra

The sacral chakra is connected to your creativity, emotions and sexual energy. So when this chakra is in balance it harmonises the giving and receiving of feelings and emotions. You will feel more energetic, passionate and spontaneous. A connection to life itself will be strong, along with a need to be more outgoing and confident. This will make you feel more open to possibilities in life.

So when this chakra is out of balance, you may feel unsure of relationships and how you are in them, vulnerable and feeling like you can’t say the truth or what you really feel. As a result you may be supressing your needs. You could also feel betrayed, anxious, stressed, guilty, frustrated and full of regrets.

How would a blocked chakra in this area affect your mind and body?

-Psychologically, you could develop an eating disorder or addiction, have low self esteem and confidence, have a low sex drive and feel all over the place with your emotions.

– Physically, you may notice you develop kidney problems, have UTI’s, or you could have gynecological issues. You may experience gallbladder, spleen and intestine problems.

To unblock the sacral chakra, there are a couple of things your could try. Now this chakra is connected to your creativity, so indulging in the arts and/or music would be really beneficial. Yoga positions to open the hips will also help bring balance to this chakra.

If you feel drawn to crystals, colour matching to the chakra can help with balance too. Citrine, Carnelian and Amber are orange in colour, so holding them whilst meditating to sacral chakra music can enable the absorption of their energy.

Strangely being around bodies of water could balance the sacral chakra as well, so fishing, swimming, being at the beach etc. Just like the root chakra you can also eat food that is associated with this chakra – oranges, sweet potatoes, satsumas and orange peppers are a few example

Solar Plexussigna of a blocked chakra

This chakra is connected to the growth of your personality. If someone ever tells you to trust your gut instinct, this is the chakra that helps you to do that.

If the sacral chakra is balanced, you will experience positivity, self respect and compassion. Your self esteem will be strong and you will be able to step into your power with ease. Assertion and confidence will feel enhanced, like you have an empowered air about you.

So if this chakra is not balanced, none of the above will flow. You will have a worthless, powerless presence, be self-critical and self conscious. Fear, and fear of fear of being rejected can play a big part in this unbalance.

If you are feeling like this chakra is blocked, then you may experience:

  • Psychological – poor concentration and not being able to retain information or memories, sugar addictions, insomnia and even eating disorders
  • – Physically – you may develop food allergies, or digestive issues, have frequent indigestion or a poor metabolism. This lack of balance could lead to skin issues such as eczema, acne or stress related skin conditions.

Heart Chakrasigns of a blocked  chakra

As we know, the heart chakra is the energy centre for love. When we give love and receive love, it opens up new doorways and chapters. It is how we do our healing of all the feelings and emotions we experience.Ā 

So when it is in balanced, this chakra will allow you to feel joy, love and gratitude. It becomes easier to become accepting, empathic and accepting of people and our circumstances when this chakra is balanced. Forgiving others and even yourself is doable and the heart chakra enables us to have faith and compassion.

When it is out of balance, you will be more likely to experience jealousy, bitterness and envy. You may even experience a feeling of rejection and abandonment accompanied with a dose of fear. Love is not unconditional if this chakra is blocked, it is conditional.

From a mind and body perspective you could feel:

  • Psychological – distrust, unforgiving, detached, uncommitted, faithlessness, hopelessness and apathy
  • Physical – respiratory issues, upper back pain, shoulder pain, upper arm pain, breast issues, pneumonia, asthma and premature ageing

An easy solution to unblocking this chakra is to spread the love in every possible way. Help those in need, be with loved ones, feed the homeless, show your family and friends that you love them and give yourself some love too.

If you feel that over time your have bottled up the anger and bitterness, and created resentment, this will all lead to a blocked chakra. So opening your heart and forgiving those who have caused you pain or done something wrong will help to clear the blockage. You can do this by focusing on the good they bring, not the bad.

You can also meditate to heart chakra music and hold a green crystal (such as Malachite) in your hand. When meditating, visualise a green light radiating from your chest.

Maybe even introduce green food to your diet, such as leafy greens, kiwis, grapes, courgettes.

Throat Chakra

In our previous blog on the different chakras, we learnt that the throat chakra is all about communication. This is how we express our truth and what we need. It also assists in our decision making, and can also connect with your abilities to manifest your creativity.

When the throat chakra is balanced, you would feel more relaxed and open to communicating and able to express yourself honestly. You would not feel fear in what your about to say, you would be more likely to stand in your power and take ownership in expressing yourself.

So, if this chakraĀ  is not balanced, you would feel powerless to communicate. You may also experience a feeling of not being in control, negative, resentful and even hurt and sad. Fear of being judged could also get the better of you.

A blocked throat chakra could impact the mind and body in various ways, for example:

  • Psychological – feeling isolated, nervous, anxious, fearful, a lack of coping skills and even attention deficit disorders.
  • Physical – issues with the tonsils and oesophagus, sore throat, jaw pain, thyroid issues, teeth and gum issues, sinus and nasal problems.

In order to unblock the throat chakra, its all about communication, communication, communication! If you are struggling to find the words or to express yourself, you could try practicing how to be clear and honest. Why not try saying your truth to yourself in the mirror, or holding a role play in the mirror of telling someone how you feel.

When you feel a little more confident, you could try small topics to chat to friends, family and neighbours about, such as the weather or the news.

If you think about communication, you instantly think about speaking, but communication can also refer to writing too. So grab a journal and pen and write everything you are thinking and feeling. Be open and honest and write it for you rather than what you want someone to read if they picked your journal up. The more you do this, the easier it becomes to perfect your expression techniques and then the easier it becomes to say what you feel.

Drinking enough fluids to keep the throat hydrated can also be beneficial, The colour associated with the throat chakra is blue, so you could meditate to music of the sea and visualise a blue light emanating from your throat. Blue crystals are good too! Lapis Lazuli and turquoise are perfect.

Third Eye

Think about the third eye as the eye that sees all. It provides inner vision and a connection to the divine. The third eye enables you to become united on a mind, body and spirit level and tunes in to your intuition.

When this chakra is balanced, the mind is clear to establish between whats real and what is an illusion. You are more aware and open to receiving guidance and wisdom. You have an understanding that there is more to life then the physical and materialistic world.

If the third eye chakra is not balanced, you may find it hard to grasp the concept of the spiritual world. You may even start doubting your own beliefs and lack the ability to self reflect. Life has to be black and white, there could be no grey areas or magic.

With the third eye being located between the eyebrows, it’s no wonder that the affects of a blockage are connected to the head.

  • Psychological – could result in migraines and headaches, hallucinations, neurological issues, seizures, nightmares, neuroses and learning difficulties.

-Physical – scalp and hair issues, eye and ear problems, hearing issues, glaucoma, and spinal issues.

I always think that when it comes to the third eye and crown chakra, these are the hardest to unblock. Possibly because it’s all the aspects that can have deep roots and require a bit more work to shift.

Find a way to say goodbye to the ego so that you can solely focus on love, compassion and forgiveness. By doing this you will ascend to a higher vibration level.

Take a look at any stress that you may also have going on in your life, as stress can also lead to blockages. To help lower your stress levels, find some activities that help you relax, such as meditation, walking, singing and so on. Maybe look to come up with a timetable for realistically managing your workload, so that you can achieve overcoming the stress in bite size chunks.Ā 

Indigo is associated with the third eye. So when it comes to meditating look for some third eye mediation music (there is loads out there) and visualise an indigo light between your eyebrows to help energise this centre. You could also try using indigo crystals whilst meditating too such asĀ  amethyst, fluorite, and quartz.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located onĀ  the top of your head and it is the chakra that connects us to spirit, the source, the divine (however you want to describe it). It connects us to oneness. So when this chakra is aligned and balanced you will feel empowered and present in the moment. Calmness will envelope you and this is where the ego can be abandoned for your higher self, your purpose and connecting to the universe. You will be able to trust the flow of life.

Therefore, if there is a blockage it would be common to feel confusion, a feeling of not being able to connect with the flow. You may feel alienated from everyone which can lead to depression, and have a feeling of reverting back to being a black and white thinker.

From the aspect of how this can affect you mind and body, you could feel:

  • Psychological – loss of faith, confusion, mentally disconnected, depression, epilepsy, dementia, schizophrenia.
  • Physically – migraines and headaches, light sensitivity, dementia, neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders. Because the crown chakra is connected to the brain, it can impact your entire health physically, mentally and spiritually.

When you think about it, with the crown chakra being associated to white light, it is the brightest light possible. To help unblock this chakra, exposing yourself to the sunshine, feeling the warmth penetrating your head, the glow of the sun can be really beneficial.Ā 

If the weather permits it, you could sit outside in the sunshine, be at one with nature and just meditate, because meditation is one of the best ways to connect with your spirit self.

Crystals can also help to energise this chakra, so opting for crystals such as clear quartz, diamond, evenĀ  amethyst, and selenite, are a good choice.

So when you look at how to unblock chakras, you can see there are simple things that you can try. From walking out in nature, to meditating with crystals. Even the food you eat can be beneficial for energising these centres. It is a simple and easy way to keep yourself in tip top condition.

I tend to live my life now where if I feel off my game, I look at how I am feeling to see if there is a blockage before consuming any medication. Finding some quiet time to sit with chakra music on and taking time out to clear the mind is my starting point. Find what works for you and benefit your life by improving the energy that flows through your chakras.

If you were asked the question what are chakras? Would you know how to answer it, and what it all means? In this blog, I will explain what a chakra is, what it does and how balancing your chakras can enhance your life.

There are 7 chakras in total, and each chakra is connected to a different part of the body. As you may already be aware, we are made up of energy, and the energy that we put out into the universe can determine how our life is shaped.

For instance the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, so if you are continually putting out positive energy, you will receive positive outcomes back. This also works for negative energy too. So if we are all energy, vibrations and frequencies, think of a chakra as an energy centre that when balanced allows your mind, body and spirit to work in harmony.

Each chakra is connected to a specific place in the body and is associated with a particular colour. The concept of chakras is said to have originated between 1500 and 500BC. So the practice of balancing the chakra has been around for some time.

As mentioned before, there are 7 chakras. The first one can be found at the base of your spine and the last one on the top of your head. Each chakra has its own purpose and function to ensure the well-being of your body. If a chakra is affected by negativity or it is not aligned or balanced it can have an affect on your body, mind and spiritual health.

At the base of your spine is the Root Chakra (also known as Muladhara) and associated with the colour red.

Muladhara can be translated to mean ā€œsupportā€ and ā€œrootā€. So think of this chakra as being connected to your physical body and energy. Think of roots from a tree and how they anchor into the ground. This chakra grounds you. It is connected to survival ā€“ eating, breathing, sleeping, and security.

When this chakra is balanced you will feel safe knowing that your needs are being met, and a deep sense of peace. If your body ever needs healing ā€“ this is the chakra to start with.

A couple of inches below your belly button, near your pelvic area is the Sacral Chakra (also known as Svadhisthana), and is associated with the colour orange. Svadhisthana means ā€œthe place of the selfā€. So, this chakra is connected to your creative identity and how you enjoy life on Earth. This energy is what motivates you to indulge in activities like art, eating good food and even sex. When this chakra is aligned and balanced you enjoy the finer things in life and indulge in them without overdoing them.

Around your stomach area approximately 2-3 inches above the belly button is the Solar Plexus Chakra (also known as Manipura), and is typically associated with the colour Yellow.

Manipura can be translated to mean ā€œlustrous gemā€. This is where your self-confidence and personal power lives. Some people have referred to this chakra as the Warrior Chakra because it is a powerful chakra for boundary setting and bravery.

If you ever find yourself getting angry, the raging energy that you feel comes from this chakra. If it is balanced however, you will experience high self-worth and high self-esteem.

Around the heart area, you will find the Heart Chakra (also known as Anahata), which is associated with the colour Green. If you translate Anahata it means being ā€œunhurtā€. You connect to this energy centre when you feel love, kindness and compassion. It is all about love. Love heals everything, love conquers fear, love is unconditional. So when this chakra is balanced, you can easily feel love and show empathy to others and yourself.

In the middle of your throat lies the Throat Chakra (also known as Vishuddha), which is associated with the colour Sky Blue. This chakra allows you to find your voice and speak up. If this chakra is balanced you will be able to communicate with confidence, and in an authentic manner. You speak the truth. It enables you to express yourself in a way that feels aligned, and is in tune with your beliefs, values and preferences.

In the middle of your eyebrows and extending to the Pineal Gland is the Third Eye Chakra (also known as Ajna) which is associated with the colour Indigo. When translated, Ajna means ā€œbeyond wisdomā€.

This is the chakra that fascinates me the most, because it is connected to the Pineal Gland. This gland is like a grain of rice tucked away in the middle of the brain. When the Pineal Gland is activated it activates your ability to tune into different frequencies, which can help massively when manifesting ā€“ a topic we will go into more depth in later!

So the Third Eye Chakra allows you to open up different levels of consciousness which go beyond the senses we know. This is where your intuition and psychic abilities are created, and is believed to be connected to the ā€œDivineā€.

When this chakra is balanced, you will feel in tune with your body and the spiritual world, and you will find it much easier to connect with your ā€œHigher-selfā€(aka your soul).

Last but not least, the Crown Chakra (also known as Sahasrara) which is associated with the colour Violet or White. This is located at the top of your head. When translated, Sahasrara means ā€œa thousand petalsā€.

This chakra is all about pure consciousness and being connected to the universe. When truly connected, there is no association with your body or your mind, you are quite literally just being. This is a tough one to get your head around as it is so hard to imagine not being connected to your body or mind. When you fully understand energy and how we are energy, and that everything that is, was and will be exist all at once, you learn to detach yourself from time and reality.
If you close your eyes and imagine you are in space, and space is all around you. There is no sound, no light, you have no body, no mind, you are just energy. When you can get to this point you can start to change your existence. You become aligned with the universe, you are truly balance and enlightened.

So now you know what the 7 chakras are, where they are located and what they try to balance, you need to know that these chakras are not always balanced or in sync. Sometimes, life takes over and you experience situations that cause stress and chaos. These experiences and stress can cause the chakras to become blocked that can impact how you feel physically and mentally.

Have you ever paused to reflect on life, questioning its deeper meaning and the reasons behind certain events? If so, you might find yourself on a spiritual pathā€”a journey of self-discovery and heightened awareness. Allow me to share my personal revelation on the profound impact of such a path.

Years ago, I entered the realm of spirituality when I dated a Psychic-Medium. Before that, the concept of a spiritual path was foreign to me. Now, my perspectives have evolved significantly, and I can’t recall what my life was like before this awakening. It’s as if, before meeting him, people were wandering through life like the Walking Deadā€”not zombies, but individuals with closed eyes, oblivious to what lay right in front of them.

Years ago, I entered the realm of spirituality when I dated a Psychic-Medium. Before that, the concept of a spiritual path was foreign to me. Now, my perspectives have evolved significantly, and I can’t recall what my life was like before this awakening. It’s as if, before meeting him, people were wandering through life like the Walking Deadā€”not zombies, but individuals with closed eyes, oblivious to what lay right in front of them.

One principle I firmly adhere to is the avoidance of imposing my beliefs on others. While I enthusiastically discuss my beliefs and delve into various tangents sparked by my fascination with the unknown, I recognise that the pursuit of a spiritual path must arise from within. So, how did this transformative journey unfold?

Initially, it began with numerous readings from the Psychic-Medium, exploring the unfolding events in my life. The desire to know more became an insatiable cravingā€”a longing to unveil what awaited just around the corner. This marked the inception of a profound shift in my perspective. As the revelations in the readings started manifesting in reality, my belief and thirst for knowledge intensified.

During this period, the Psychic-Medium was honing his ability to enter trance states. In this deep meditative state, his spirit guide would come forth, using him as a vessel for communication. Witnessing this phenomenon was absolutely fascinating, and I felt privileged to experience it multiple times. Observing other mediums, including one where a female medium channeled a male guide, highlighted the mystique of these encounters.

I diligently transcribed the words from readings and trance sessionsā€”capturing the guidance, wisdom, and messages. Experiencing this phenomenon was transformative; it altered my perception of the world irreversibly. As my views and beliefs evolved, those around me also underwent changes. It felt as though I was vibrating on a higher levelā€”not in a superior sense, but rather, seeing the world and its events from an elevated perspective. Life’s occurrences started to reveal a purpose, falling into place as foretold in the readings.

The profound shift in my behavior and opinions led to misconceptions within my family; some even thought I had joined a cult. The inability of those around me to comprehend this spiritual awakening created a disconnect. Unable to see things from a lower vibrational level, I found myself wanting to learn more, grow, and expand my understanding.

Over time, certain relationships with friends and family naturally faded away. It wasn’t marked by arguments but rather a gradual progression. I no longer connected with these individuals. The lack of shared values or beliefs meant I couldn’t relate to their way of thinking.

Simultaneously, I noticed new people entering my lifeā€”individuals with aligned values and beliefs. This influx of like-minded connections facilitated further growth along my spiritual journey.

Visualize yourself approaching a crossroads. Going backward meant retracing steps and returning to the life I knew. Stepping to the side was like a lateral move, exploring different facets of learning while staying at the current level. Forward meant venturing into the unknown, embracing new routes and experiences in the journey.

I chose to move forward, recognizing that everything in life happens for a reason. I encountered individuals who served as teachers, offering new perspectives and knowledge. The spiritual path was leading me beyond myself, enabling encounters that propelled personal development.

As people and experiences flowed in and out of my life, I understood that each interaction held a crucial lesson. Lessons often revealed themselves after the experienceā€”like the profound realization that a challenging relationship served to teach about love and respect. The appreciation that followed when the right person entered my life and brought unconditional love was transformative. These experiences offered insights into emotions, from anger to love, bitterness to forgiveness.

Life, I realized, is a journey with predefined paths meant for us to traverse. Good and bad experiences are lessons waiting to be learned. Believing in the presence of guides and angels nudging us in the right direction, I found solace in the understanding that life is eternal, and there exists a continuation beyond physical existence.

Spirituality, I’ve come to understand, cannot be confined to a single path or belief system. It encompasses diverse ways to connect with the spiritual realm, each individual finding what resonates best for them.

I vividly recall explaining the passing of my grandmother to my son. I likened her to a foot in a shoeā€”the physical body as the shoe, wearing down over time. Her soul, the foot in the shoe, experienced life’s journey. When she passed, it was akin to taking off the shoes, and she could choose to reflect on her life in the afterlife or embark on a new experience.

Grieving and appreciating her life became easier through this analogy. Her presence, though initially intense, has gradually lessened over time. My memories of her endure, and coming to terms with her loss has been a more manageable process.

When envisioning someone spiritual, meditation often comes to mind. While meditation is a vital avenue for some, connecting with people, experiencing wonder, compassion, empathy, and finding purpose are equally valid expressions of spirituality. It’s a diverse journey, with individuals choosing various paths to experience spiritual growth.

My relationship with the Psychic-Medium lasted no more than two years. However, the lessons learned from that experience paved the way for a nine-year-long relationship that delved into love, tolerance, family, and connections. My spiritual journey continues, with an enhanced understanding of the Universe, communication with Spirit, and the art of manifestationā€”topics I look forward to sharing on The Curvatures Boutique Community Page.

Take what resonates with you from this narrative. Embrace an open mind to the myriad possibilities that the world offers. The next time you encounter someone new, consider if they are a teacher or a student in your life. Whether an experience is positive or challenging, seek to glean the lessons it imparts.

Life is a canvas awaiting your unique brushstrokes; go forth and live it!

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Skin: A Comprehensive Guide to Skin Types and Care

Ever been stumped when asked about your skin type? If the answer is yes, you’re in the right place. This blog is your go-to resource for understanding the diverse world of skin types and mastering the art of maintaining healthy skin.

Let’s dive in. Broadly, there are five main skin types:

  • Sensitive
  • Combination
  • Dry
  • Oily
  • Normal

While your genetic makeup contributes to your skin type, external factors like diet, stress levels, and sun exposure also play a significant role. Ever noticed a breakout on your chin during stressful times or felt your skin parched after basking in the sun for too long? These are clues that your skin is reacting to external influences.

As we navigate through life, our skin type may evolve, with aging often resulting in drier skin. Therefore, paying attention to your skin is crucial.

As we age, the levels of collagen, ceramide, and hyaluronic acid decrease, leading to wrinkles, dark spots, and dryness. Suddenly, those complex terms in skincare product adverts make a lot more sense!

Now, let’s explore each skin type:

1. Normal Skin: This type indicates a well-balanced interplay of environmental and genetic factors. Normal skin is neither too dry nor too oily, with minimal imperfections and low sensitivity. Pores are smaller, and the skin is soft with an even toneā€”considered the ideal skin type.

2. Dry Skin: Characterised by a lack of moisture or natural oils, dry skin occurs when the skin barrier falters, resulting in reduced lipid levels and water retention. This can lead to peeling, flaking, or cracking, with a dull tone and occasional itching. Dry skin individuals often have small pores and are less prone to acne.

3. Oily Skin: Caused by the overproduction of natural oils (sebum), oily skin is influenced by internal factors, genetics, or hormonal imbalances. Common in teenagers due to hormonal fluctuations, oily skin feels greasy, looks shiny, and may be prone to acne. Enlarged pores are typical, and makeup may struggle to adhere.

4. Sensitive Skin: Arising from a weakened epidermal barrier or an overactive immune system, sensitive skin reacts strongly to external factors. Genetic predispositions may lead to conditions like eczema or rosacea. Sensitivity can manifest as redness, peeling, burning, or itching and is often exacerbated by makeup, pollution, or UV rays.

5. Combination Skin: Combining both oily and normal/dry areas, this skin type features an oily T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) and dry skin elsewhere. Balancing this type can be nuanced, as degrees of oiliness and dryness can vary.

Now that we’ve decoded the skin types, let’s explore how to care for each:

Tips for Different Skin Types:

Normal Skin:

  • Requires a daily routine with cleansing.
  • Apply SPF daily to protect against UV rays.
  • Exfoliate 2-3 times a week.
  • Moisturise during dry conditions or as needed.

Dry Skin:

  • Use gentle cleansers.
  • Opt for a rich moisturiser.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Use humidifiers in dry climates.
  • Protect against elements causing dryness.

Oily Skin:

  • Focus on reducing shine.
  • Choose products addressing oil production.
  • Cleanse morning, evening, and after exercise.
  • Opt for oil-free skincare and makeup.
  • Use blotting papers for excessive shine.

Combination Skin:

  • Use separate products for oily and dry areas.
  • Choose oil-free moisturiser for oily zones.
  • Experiment to find the right balance.
  • Blotting papers may help with excess oil.
  • Cleanse no more than twice a day.

Sensitive Skin:

  • Identify triggers for sensitivity.
  • Opt for cleansers low in Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) and Retinol.
  • Choose moisturizers with Ceramide for enhanced skin barrier function.
  • Select products with soothing ingredients like Willow Bark Extract and Menthyl Lactate.
  • Avoid fragranced products, citrus, essential oils, simple alcohol, and sulfates.

Acne-Prone Skin:

  • Avoid oil-based skincare and makeup.
  • Steer clear of products containing occlusives.
  • Use blotting paper.
  • Opt for cleansers with Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) or Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHA) to combat acne.

Regardless of your skin type, a consistent skincare routine is essential. Remove makeup and pollutants before bedtime, cleanse in the morning, and stay hydrated. Applying SPF daily is a must, even on cloudy days, to shield against harmful UV rays.

Remember, your skin is your largest organā€”cherish and care for it! For more insights into the best skincare routine, check out our blog on “What’s The Best Skincare Routine.”

what is the best skin care routineWhen it comes to looking after our skin, what is the best skin care routine? I will hold my hand up and say I have no clue! I know I have always suffered with oily skin, so I have never really known what is the best skin care routine. Your skin is the largest organ, so really and truly, we should do all that we can to care for it. It is NEVER too late to start.

In the past I have tried moisturisers, used make up remover, but never understood all the stages in between that you should be doing. At one point I even used milk from the fridge to cleanse my skin and used eggs whites to tone it! I can honestly say my skin felt amazing then. Cleopatra used to bath in milk, so I kinda thought it had to have some kind of benefit! 

At the moment I am 42 years young, still with oily skin and only splashing water on my face to clean it. I don’t know what is the best skin care routine, but I know I should be doing more to look after it. I love learning, so researching into skin care routines was as good an opportunity to learn something new.

WOW! There are so many products out there, and it does feel a little overwhelming to know what products I would benefit from. So, I thought my first stage of learning is to understand what a skin care routine should consist of.

To answer what is the best skin care routine, I have discovered that there should be 6 stages and it doesn’t have to be time consuming either. So here are the stages to implement for a good skin care routine:

STAGE 1 – Remove Make-Up and Cleanse

 In order for any product to have it’s maximum absorption and benefit, the skin needs to be dirt free. Removing all sweat, dirt and pollution is the first thing to do, as this can all build up over a 24 hour period. Opting for a gentle cleanser is best, nothing that will strip the skin, and it is advised to do this morning and evening. Use the make up remover first (if you wear make up) and then cleanse.
A local beautician advised that to cleanse the skin properly, you need to clean the skin in an upwards motion to ensure you are removing the dirt from the pores and for it to go against gravity. Yes, gravity! Upwards motions encourages a lift in the skin, 
My God! There are so many different types of cleansers for all different types of skin. So I feel this needs a separate blog otherwise you will be here all day! Be sure to read up on the different types to ensure you choose the right one!

STAGE 2 – Toning

After removing all your make-up and then cleansing, the next step is to tone, and it is advisable to do this morning and evening too. From what I can understand cleansing and toning is like a husband and wife cleaning the bathroom! he husband is the cleanser. He will clean the bathroom to the best of his ability, but will leave some of the grime around the bath. The wife, aka the toner, will come in and go over the husbands work and remove the leftover grime, 
So the toner plays an important part ensuring a deeper clean is present. For oily skin – note that if Niacinamide is an ingredient in the toner, this can balance the skins oil level.

STAGE 3 – Serumwhat is the best skin care routine
This is where I usually get lost, because I don’t have the knowledge to understand why this is needed. But from what I have learnt, serums contain high concentrated ingredients that work through the layers of skin. Because of this, the results last longer, but it depends on what ingredients are present for what results you get as all serums do different things. Check out the next blog for more information on this.
STAGE 4 – Face Oilwhat is the best skin care routine
This scares me. Why would I want to put oil on oily skin? But then you learn that when you strip the skin of it’s natural oils with harsh products, it will cause your skin to produce more oils to compensate for the loss. Face oil does not moisturise the skin, it hold the products used in stages 1-4 in place. Otherwise the products applied in stages 1-4 will evaporate into the air. This was a big eye opener as you naturally think it will moisturise the skin, not become a barrier. So I am not feeling as scared anymore,
STAGE 5 – Moisturiserwhat is the best skin care routine
If you asked anyone what the most important thing for your skin is, I guarantee they would all say to moisturise it. Although we understand this, we don’t always know what moisturiser to apply. This is where I have come unstuck many a time as, I find it just makes my skin more slimy and shiny and then I stop using it.
What I also didn’t know is that a different moisturiser should be used for the morning and evening and even for different seasons. I did not realise that in summer your skin needs hydration, whereas in the winter it drys out. So it makes perfect sense now that you would need different ones.
When shopping for the right moisturiser, you should consider the following:
1. What is your skin type?
2. What does it need?
3. What problems does your skin have?
A morning moisturiser will need to be lighter and easier to absorb, whereas a night cream will need to be packed with ingredients to repair and regenerate the skin whilst you are sleeping.
STAGE 6 – SPFwhat is the best skin care routine
Research says that SPF is always last to apply as you need it to sit on the surface of your skin to prevent harmful UV rays from damaging the skin. the higher the SPF, the more protection from the sun. Too much sun exposure can lead to skin damage and early ageing of the skin. Even on a cloudy day the sun’s rays can still reach you.
** An additional stage is exfoliation**
Exfoliation should take place 2-3 times a week for normal skin
Once a week for dry skin
3-4 times a week for oily skin 
2-3 times a week for acne prone skin
Exfoliation should take place in this routine after cleansing and toning and before applying any serums, treatments or moisturisers.
 So what have I learnt? I have learnt that in order to give my skin the best routine, it takes 6 stages. I have to make sure that the products are suitable for my skin type (oily) and to do the routine morning and night. Remove all the make up, cleanse, tone, apply serum and facial oil, moisturise and then a must is to protect my skin with SPF. My biggest lesson is that it is not too late to start and that washing your face in the morning is a must as bacteria surfaces during the night.

I hope this helps ladies and if you want to share any other tips, or recommend any products, then please leave your comments below.

stop criticising plus size womenLets say it loud and clear: “STOP CRITICISING PLUS SIZE WOMEN!”

I started The Curvatures Boutique because I was a plus size woman who had no confidence.

How did I lose my confidence I hear you ask….

I lost my confidence with clothes shopping because the shops I liked didn’t cater for a plus size women at the time. 

My confidence nose-dived when eating in restaurants because people stared at me when I would fill my bowl from the salad cart, or a pudding came out or if I ate my meal quickly. 

I lost my confidence when food shopping because people would walk past looking in my trolley making me feel judged for what I was putting in there.

Is this fair? Is this how you treat another human being?


Because of these examples I have given, I suffered with depression and anxiety. I wore big baggy clothes to hide under and I started staying indoors more, not wanting to venture out anywhere. This had a massive impact on my mental health and my relationships. My partner and kids felt like I didn’t want to do anything with them or go anywhere, and this led to arguments.

I have spent my life trying to lose weight and become “normal”. Trying to squeeze into smaller clothing just to fit in with society. But enough is enough. When you would rather hide and spend your life indoors then go out and live it, then something is clearly wrong. All this negativity and criticism and staring and judging is wrong.

Let people be who they want to be. My issue is that I love my food. It is not that I am excessive in what I eat, I just gain weight easier then others because my metabolism is slower then others. My son can eat like a horse and not gain a pound, whereas I can sit next to him and gain his weight just by looking at him! 

Why should it be that someone is made to feel they have done something wrong by gaining weight if their body is working slower then others? Why should it be that these people are made to restrict what they eat.

A Trip to the Doctors

I went to the Doctors a few months ago as the joints in my fingers and elbow were so painful. I had an x-ray and a blood test done to see if there was rheumatoid in my joints. They were also going to test other things like my thyroid etc. 

So I have this blood test, and called for the results. They said there was no rheumatoid detected which was a relief, but they wanted to see me because my inflammation levels were higher then normal. At this point you go into panic and Google, and before you know it, you’re self diagnosing!

A couple of weeks pass and I go to my Doctors follow up appointment, where I found out all the panic was for nothing as apparently these levels can increase if you have the slightest bit of a cold. But, the Doctor went on to say that I was 1 level away from being pre-diabetic. What do I do? I instantly go into defensive mode of “I have been trying to lose weight….” rather then be confident and say “yes I have gained some weight”. 

So now the Doctor’s only focus is to refer me to a weight management programme. All my other levels are healthy and fine or so the blood tests said. But now it is all about my weight. I agreed to be referred as a way to get out of this consultation.

I don’t know about you, but I know what I should and shouldn’t be eating. I know what I should limit myself to and what food is good and bad for me. So I don’t need someone sitting behind a desk patronising me about keeping a food journal. I know what I should do I was able to lose 35lb when I was focussed on Keto. But life and circumstances have impacted the food I eat, it is a temporary blip.

What really bugs me, is when you are feeling criticised for being a plus size, the burden on society’s NHS, the diabetes risk. Yes I am larger then the normal average, but that does not mean I am unhealthy. All my other blood tests showed I was healthy. 

So if I can work by myself (as I am capable) to watch what I eat and remove the rubbish from my diet then I am not harming anyone or being a burden. I am taking action to lessen the risk. I have friends that lead normal lives, yet have worse health then I do, but they are not being pulled over the coals for something they did or didn’t do.

I think what I am trying to get at here, is that if all society can do is point the finger and judge an individual for being overweight, then this ironically can lead to a bigger problem. This kind of action can lead to an increase in mental health issues, or reaching for food as a comfort. By using plus size models in adverts, or promoting body positivity, it is not condoning being overweight. It is trying to show that this has become normal within our society, and it is a way to lessen the exclusion we have felt in the past. 

It is not promoting to be a plus size, no one actually wakes up one morning and says my aim in life is to become a plus size. It happens and it shouldn’t be criticised.

Everybody has their own issues, their own skeletons in the closet, and it is wrong to publicise and shame a plus size influencer for trying to help other plus size women feel good about themselves. Just because someone is overweight, it doesn’t mean they are unattractive or can’t feel good about themselves. It is not about shaming others. We all need to look in the mirror and see our own problems before we go criticising others.

I am on a journey to betterment. I am not wanting to be over weight forever. I understand there are health implications to being overweight and this can take a toll over time. But I am also happy. I have put the work in and improved my mental health. I am more confident in my body and accept my shape and size. I am responsible for what I eat and it is only me that can choose to change that. I would never judge another person because of their size, because I know how that feels.

We are adults not children in a playground. Plus size is part of our society now, so whether you see a plus size women in a lingerie advert, or playing a main role in a film, or even walking past plus size women in the street, we should ALL be grown up enough to acknowledge that individual for who they are, not for who you think they should be. 

Be empathic and understand that there could be an underlying reason for this.

As a qualified hairdresser, applying hair masks for healthy hair is part of a good hair regime. But I also know how expensive shampoos, conditioners and hair masks are. There are so many to choose from nowadays, and the prices vary. There are however, some inexpensive home made alternatives you can try.

Coconut oil, was always my go to intensive treatment for my clients. If their hair was lacking the elasticity to take the bleach I would recommend a 2 week intensive regime to build up the strength. A simple method to try is to buy some coconut oil from your local supermarket. Get a bath ready so you can have a soak and then heat some coconut oil in a microwave safe pot so that it becomes a liquid. It has to be hot enough that you can tolerate it on the scalp but not piping hot that it will scold.

Immerse yourself in the bath and apply the hot coconut to your scalp and run it all the way through to the ends. Then its time to wrap your hair/head in cling film and just soak in the bath. The bonus to this is coconut oil is very good for the skin as well, so if any runs down your neck you can just massage it into your skin.

Leave for about 10-15 mins and then apply loads of shampoo to the hair and scalp. AT THIS POINT DO NOT APPLY WATER. The water will become a barrier and it will be harder to remove the oil. By applying just shampoo, it allows the oil to lift and is easier to remove from the hair. Rinse and apply the shampoo again to ensure all the oil is removed. Apply conditioner as normal and rinse.BEAUTIFUL!

Another remedy is this add equal amounts of honey to coconut oil. The coconut oil will keep the hair moist and soft and prevents breakage and the honey retains the moisture in the hair and prevents it from escaping. A great combination.

Or for every tablespoon of coconut oil you add to the pot, add a teaspoon of cinnamon. This is really good for hair growth. Leave it on for about 30-40 mins and then shampoo. The cinnamon has cleansing qualities which can strengthen the hair follicles, which can lengthen the hairā€™s journey, and can also reduce an itchy scalp!

Do you have greasy hair? Why not try an Egg White and Lemon hair mask?

Add 2 egg whites and the juice of a whole lemon to a bowl, and mix thoroughly. Apply from root to tip and leave for 30 mins. Rinse with luke warm water. The egg whites contain protein enzymes that will eliminate excess oil. It will also give you shiny and full hair as the egg contains Vitamins A, D and E proteins. The lemons are rich in Vitamin C which can make the hair stronger as well as clean it.

When you look at it, treating your hair doesnā€™t have to cost the earth, it could be as little as a pot of coconut oil, a lemon and some cinnamon! If you know of any other hair masks for healthy hair recipes be sure to let us know

So why not give yourself a treat and try a home made hair mask. Make time for You. Donā€™t forget, with the colder weather drawing nearer, you can protect your hair from becoming dry with one of our hats

Weight Loss Alternatives: Savoring Pizza and Beyond

When it comes to weight loss, sacrificing your favorite foods like pizza can be tough. But what if we told you that you can enjoy a healthier version of your beloved pizza without compromising on taste? In this blog, we’ll share a delicious pizza recipe and explore a list of alternative options that are lower in calories, carbohydrates, fats, and sugars, helping you achieve your weight loss goals while satisfying your cravings.


The Ultimate Weight Loss Pizza Recipe

If you’re a pizza enthusiast, you’ll love this healthier alternative. It looks and tastes just like the traditional version but won’t derail your weight loss journey.



  • Cauliflower Crust
  • Low-Sugar Tomato Sauce
  • Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese
  • Lean Protein (e.g., grilled chicken, turkey, or tofu)
  • Assorted Veggies (bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes)
  • Herbs and Spices (fresh basil, oregano, red pepper flakes)



  1. Prepare the Cauliflower Crust: Grate cauliflower, microwave to soften, squeeze out moisture, mix with egg, cheese, and herbs. Shape into a pizza crust and bake until golden.
  2. Add Toppings: Spread a thin layer of low-sugar tomato sauce on the crust, sprinkle with part-skim mozzarella cheese, and arrange your chosen lean protein and veggies on top.
  3. Bake: Place your pizza in the oven and bake until the cheese is bubbly and the crust is crisp.
  4. Season and Serve: Finish with a sprinkle of fresh basil, oregano, and red pepper flakes. Slice and enjoy!


Nutritional Breakdown (Per Slice):

  • Calories: Approximately 150
  • Carbohydrates: Around 12g
  • Fats: About 6g
  • Sugars: Approximately 2g


Exploring More Weight Loss Alternatives

In addition to the healthy pizza recipe, here’s a list of other weight loss-friendly alternatives for your favorite dishes:

  • Zucchini Noodles (Zoodles): A 1-cup serving has approximately 20 calories, 4g of carbohydrates, 0g of fat, and 2g of sugars.
  • Cauliflower Rice: One cup of cauliflower rice provides about 25 calories, 5g of carbohydrates, 0g of fat, and 2g of sugars.
  • Greek Yogurt Parfait: A 6-ounce serving contains roughly 100 calories, 7g of carbohydrates, 0g of fat, and 6g of sugars.
  • Sweet Potato Fries: A 3-ounce serving of baked sweet potato fries provides around 90 calories, 20g of carbohydrates, 0g of fat, and 5g of sugars.
  • Avocado Chocolate Mousse: A half-cup of avocado chocolate mousse has approximately 150 calories, 15g of carbohydrates, 10g of healthy fats, and 5g of sugars.

By incorporating these alternatives into your diet, you can enjoy your favorite foods while making progress on your weight loss journey. So go ahead and savor the flavors without the guilt!

Fashion is a powerful means of self-expression, and feeling confident in your clothing can make a world of difference. Understanding your unique face shape is a valuable tool for selecting outfits that complement your features and enhance your self-esteem. In this extensive guide, we’ll explore five common face shapes ā€“ round, oval, square, heart, and diamond ā€“ and suggest outfits specifically tailored for plus-size women. Let’s dive into the art of dressing for your face shape while embracing your body’s natural beauty.



1. Round Face

Plus-size individuals with round faces typically have soft, full cheeks and a rounded chin. This shape often exudes a youthful appearance.

Outfit Ideas

  • V-Neck Tops – These elongate your neckline, creating the illusion of a more extended, slimmer face.
  • Wrap Dresses – Cinch your waist with a wrap dress to accentuate your curves while balancing your facial features.
  • High-Waisted Bottoms –Ā Opt for high-waisted pants or skirts to draw attention to your waist, adding definition and structure.


2. Oval Face

Oval faces are well-balanced, with slightly wider cheekbones and a gently curved chin, making them versatile and harmonious.

Outfit Ideas

  • Maxi Dresses – Choose a maxi dress with a defined waistline to highlight your natural curves.
  • Statement Accessories – Bold, eye-catching accessories can draw attention to your neckline or other features.
  • Wide-Leg Pants – Embrace the comfort and style of wide-leg pants, which flatter your balanced proportions.


3. Square Face

Square faces are marked by a strong jawline, a broad forehead, and angular features.

Outfit Ideas

  • A-Line Dresses – A-line dresses create a more feminine silhouette, softening your angular features.
  • Flowy TopsĀ –Ā Opt for flowy tops that create a relaxed, comfortable look while balancing your square proportions.
  • Wrap TopsĀ –Ā Ā A wrap top can accentuate your waist and add curvature to your body.


4. Heart-Shaped Face

Heart-shaped faces feature a wide forehead that tapers down to a pointy chin.

Outfit Ideas

  • A-Line SkirtsĀ –Ā Choose A-line skirts to balance your figure and add volume to your lower half.
  • Scoop Neck TopsĀ –Ā Scoop neck tops draw attention to your upper body while softening your broad forehead.
  • Empire Waist Dresses –Ā Empire waist dresses accentuate your bust and then flow gracefully, creating a balanced silhouette.


5. Diamond Face

Diamond-shaped faces exhibit narrow foreheads and chins with prominent cheekbones.

Outfit Ideas
Off-the-Shoulder DressesĀ –Ā Show off your collarbones and shoulders with off-the-shoulder dresses.
Harem PantsĀ –Ā Embrace the comfort of harem pants that add volume to your lower body, balancing your facial features.
Layered NecklacesĀ –Ā Layered necklaces can draw attention to your neckline, adding interest to your outfit.



Embracing your body’s natural beauty and understanding your unique face shape can empower you to select clothing that flatters you. While these outfit suggestions offer a starting point, remember that personal style is about self-expression. Feel free to mix and match styles, experiment, and celebrate your unique fashion sense. Confidence is the key to looking and feeling great, regardless of your face shape or body size. Let your fashion choices reflect your self-assured spirit, and you’ll radiate beauty from the inside out.

Beyond Cleansing Powers

In the realm of spiritual practices and natural remedies, white sage stands as a revered herb known for more than its ability to cleanse negative energies. While smudging with white sageĀ  celebrated for purifying spaces and souls, it also holds profound benefits for mental health. In this blog, we’ll delve into the remarkable world of white sage, exploring its cleansing powers and its impact on mental well-being.

White sage (Salvia apiana) has used for centuries. By indigenous cultures for its spiritual and medicinal properties. Native to the southwestern United States and Mexico, this aromatic herbĀ  characterized by its silvery-white leaves and an earthy, grounding scent. Beyond its ceremonial uses, white sage offers a wealth of mental health benefits. that have garnered the attention of modern spiritual seekers.

- The Art of Smudging

Smudging, the practice of burning white sage,Ā  a ritual deeply rooted in Native American traditions and spirituality. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Gather Your Tools: To start, you’ll need a bundle of dried white sage or loose leaves and a heatproof container. like an abalone shell or smudge bowl.

  2. Ignite the Sage: Using a match or lighter, light one end of the sage bundle until it smolders. Allow the flame to extinguish, leaving a steady stream of fragrant smoke.

  3. Cleansing Ritual: Walk through the space you wish to purify, moving the smoldering sage bundle in a clockwise direction. While doing so, visualise the smoke clearing away negative energies and promoting peace and positivity.

Smudging with white sage has a rich and ancient history deeply rooted. in the spiritual practices of Indigenous peoples in North America. White sage, scientifically known as Salvia apiana, has revered for its. cleansing and purifying properties for centuries. Native American tribes, particularly those in the southwestern United States, such as the Chumash, Cahuilla, and Navajo, have traditionally used white sage in various ceremonies and rituals to purify the body, mind, and spirit.

These rituals often involve the burning of dried white sage leaves, bundled together into a smudge stick, while the smoke wafted around a person or space using a feather or hand. The practice is believed to remove negative energy, cleanse the environment, and promote healing and balance. In recent years, the practice of smudging with white sage has gained popularity beyond Indigenous communities, finding its place in mainstream wellness and spirituality, although it is essential to approach this. practice with cultural sensitivity and respect for its origins.

- Mental Health Benefits of White Sage

  1. Stress Reduction: The calming aroma of white sage has a soothing effect on the mind. Smudging. can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, providing a sense of calm and relaxation.

  2. Emotional Healing: Smudging with white sage a powerful tool for emotional release. It can help individuals let go of pent-up emotions, past traumas, and negative thought patterns, fostering emotional healing and resilience.

  3. Clarity and Focus: The purifying properties of white sage not limited to physical spaces. Smudging can also clear mental clutter, enhancing clarity and focus. This can particularly beneficial for those seeking greater concentration during meditation or creative endeavors.

  4. Elevated Mood: The fragrance of white sage has known to uplift the spirit, elevating mood and promoting a sense of well-being. This makes it a valuable tool for combating feelings of sadness or depression.

  5. Improved Sleep: Using white sage before bedtime can create a serene atmosphere that promotes restful sleep. By clearing the space of negative energies, it can help you achieve a deeper and more rejuvenating sleep.

White sage, with its rich history and multifaceted benefits, much more than a tool for spiritual cleansing. It has the power to positively impact mental health, offering relief from stress, emotional turmoil, and mental clutter. Whether you’re seeking serenity, emotional healing, or greater mental clarity, white sage can be a valuable ally on your spiritual and mental well-being journey. Embrace this ancient practice with reverence, and let the mystical white sage guide you toward a balanced and harmonious existence.

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